IABA Good Relations Workshop – 15/06/2021
We are delighted to announce that we will be facilitating an online Good Relations workshop. Please use the link below to book your tickets.
Date of Course | Time | Cost | Registration |
15 June 2021 | 7.00pm – 8.00pm | FREE | https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/iaba-good-relations-workshop-tickets-153953223235 |
This workshop looks at our societies differences and helps us to celebrate difference & build good relations.
The workshop will be delivered by John Kremer.
Note that this workshop is a requirement for Club who are seeking Clubmark accreditation and re-accreditation and should have a minimum of one person per club attend every 3 years.
Once you have booked on we will send you the Zoom log in details 24hr in advance of the workshop.
Upon completion of the online workshop participants will receive a certificate of attendance and be asked to give their feedback via a short online survey.
Please forward this correspondence to anyone in your club who wishes to complete the ‘Good Relations’ workshop.
Note that this course is only available to IABA Affiliated Club Volunteers.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions on any of the above on liam.corr@iaba.ie.