Parents in Sport Week, 4 – 10 October 2021
Parents in Sport Week is a national awareness raising campaign run by the NSPCC. It aims to highlight the important role parents play in the bigger safeguarding picture of sport.
Through their work with sports, the NSPCC understand that whether it’s spotting the signs of abuse, or speaking out if something is wrong, parents can make a huge difference when it comes to making sport a safer place for all children.
However, to be able to support their child, parents need knowledge. That’s why this year’s campaign is focused on getting the right information and resources to parents, so that they can play their part and keep their child safe in sport.
This year’s resources include:
- A new, short, interactive e-learning course for parents
Parents can learn about what poor practice and abuse might look like in sport, who they can turn to for help and what sports clubs should already do to protect children. - A new animation for parents
Through this short film, parents can better understand the types of support available to families if they’re worried about something in sport.
- The NSPCC CPSU’s re-launched Parents Hub
A one-stop-shop for parents seeking further information about how they can keep their child safe in sport.
Sign-up to support the campaign and get access to all the NSPCC’s resources for sports parents by visiting