Dear Members,
Following the new guidance outlined by the NI Executive, and having consulted with numerous applicable stakeholders and NI Expert Group, the IABA can now confirm that clubs can start to train outdoors only with no contact from 15th April 2021 once they have returned their declaration form.
In preparation for opening the IABA have Protect Yourself at All Times: Safe Return to Outdoor Training (NI only) pack to help assist clubs who wish to operate outdoor training sessions from this date.
Please note our measures and procedures are under constant review and updated as advice from both governments, health authorities and governing bodies evolves in line with the gradual lifting of social restrictions. The status of the current COVID-19 pandemic is an ever changing and evolving situation and these guidelines will, at all times, be in line with and guided by Government and Public Health policy.
This communication will explain the process and applicable documentation which clubs who wish to return from 15th April 2021 MUST undertake prior to restarting training outdoors.
1. The IABA Return to Outdoor Training – Protect Yourself at All Times Document:
This practical guide, outlines the robust measures the IABA require clubs to implement and maintain to help safeguard members during this phase of returning to train in NI. This will allow all of us to get back to training safely and improving the wellbeing of all our members. The measures cover each step of the journey from home to the club, and back home again. These measures should be in place seven days a week and until further notice. Clubs Committee’s MUST ensure that there is a Covid-19 Committee in place and a Covid-19 Officer/s to ensure that the protocols outlined in this document are strictly adhered to.
2. COVID-19 Club Risk Assessment Template Document:
All clubs wishing to deliver outdoor training MUST first conduct a Covid-19 Club Risk Assessment. The IABA have prepared a template Covid-19 Risk Assessment to assist clubs with this process. It is recommended that clubs assign responsibility to an officer/s within their club to complete the Risk Assessment.
Please Note: This document is a template and not exhaustive. It can be adjusted to add specific items that have not been covered.
3. COVID-19 Officer Guidance Document:
All clubs wishing to reopen MUST appoint a Covid-19 Officer/s. The document titled Covid-19 Officer outlines the role and its various responsibilities.
*Please note all Club Covid-19 Officers MUST have completed either the Sport Ireland Covid-19 training course (previously or when it becomes available again) please see link below: https://www.sportireland.ie/covid19/course or complete alternative training such as Sport Scotland’s course: COVID Officer E-Learning Module (Updated 16.12.2020) – Overview | Rise 360 (articulate.com)
4. Members COVID-19 Declaration Form:
All clubs wishing to deliver outdoor training MUST ensure all members wishing to attend the training sessions have completed and signed the members Covid-19 declaration Form prior to returning to training. Members under the age of 18 MUST also have the document signed by a parent/guardian prior to the member returning to training.
5. IABA Club COVID-19 Questionnaire:
All clubs wishing to deliver outdoor training MUST ensure all members wishing to attend the training sessions have completed and signed the IABA Club Covid-19 Questionnaire prior to ALL training sessions. Members under the age of 18 MUST also have the document signed by a parent/guardian prior to the member participating in training.
6. Club COVID-19 Declaration Form:
All clubs wishing to deliver outdoor training MUST complete and return this document to ulsterfinance@iaba.ie. Once the completed attached document verifying that the club has taken all relevant steps has been received via email, the club will in turn receive a confirmation email/letter from IABA Ulster Office confirming that they can commence training.
7. Contact Tracing Register:
All clubs wishing to deliver outdoor training MUST keep a digital record of all persons attending their club for contact tracing purposes. The IABA have prepared a template Contact Tracing Register to assist clubs with this process. Members under the age of eighteen MUST supply contact details for parents/guardians. Alternatively clubs can utilise the Contact Tracing App via Blocworx see IABA – FREE Contact Tracing Digital Solution for Clubs – Irish Athletic Boxing Association for more details.
8. COVID-19: Additional Guidance for Clubs:
This document offers members and clubs additional guidance in the following areas:
• Personal hygiene measures
• Toilets
• Face coverings
• How to manage a member with COVID-19 symptoms
• Medical isolation room
• Equipment
• Cleaning and disinfection Measures
• Contact Tracing Measures
• Communication with parents and children
9. Outdoor Venue Risk Assessment
All club committees who wish to deliver outdoor training MUST complete an Outdoor Venue Risk Assessment of the location they intend to use for their outdoor training sessions. A template is available to assist clubs with this task.
NB: Please note you must in be receipt of your ‘Permission to Open’ Letter from the IABA Medical Commissioner before you can open your club. This can only be obtained following completion and sending of your Club Declaration Form to ulsterfinance@iaba.ie.